Hi, my name is Flor. I am a transdisciplinary artist & poet. My works are proposals for queer belongings & new modes of expressing & relating to one another. Some themes & subjects in my works are: Flowers as a stand-in for myself (Flor); Kiki, a queer monarch butterfly that loves the discotheque–Kiki is also a framework for collaborations, Kiki is also now an experimental publishing project; “X” an Epic poem about the letter X, as in Latinx & its other uses as a gesture of erasure, inclusion, voidance, & as a placeholder for a language that is yet to come.

I have had recent “Solo” exhibitions at Everybody Gallery, Chicago Artists Coalition, ADDS DONNA, BAR4000. I have been featured in reviews and publications such as Artmaze, Sixty Inches From Center, New American Paintings, Newcity Art, Chicago Artist Writers, and Monsters & Dust.

Represented by Good Naked Gallery



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